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As a writer I don’t define myself in any particular category.  For me that would be like having a favourite child.  I love my children equally, but that doesn’t stop them being different from each other.


My ‘Death in the Pyrenees’ series is not only about crime in a small French town, but also about life, love and laughter.  The place and the people who live there are quirky.  I hope my policewoman, Danielle’s words transport you for a while to the place where I now live and have quickly grown to love.


For a grittier picture of life, you may enjoy my Angela Murphy crime stories.  Set in the mean streets of Glasgow, the pace is fast and the situations raw and dangerous.  Angela is an uptown girl but crime has no class.  A serial killer is on the loose and life is brutal on these streets.


Or why not try something quite different?  ‘Death at Presley Park’ combines killing with relationships.  When the unthinkable happens we go back two weeks in time to discover why this has occurred, who is affected, who lives and who dies.


For a complete change you might wish to mix dark humour with chaos.  In ‘But Billy Can’t Fly’, the title character is an intellectually challenged young man who attempts to make sense of situations which confuse him.  Tall and handsome, Billy dreams of being a superhero, righting wrongs and saving the people he perceives need help, but the results are not always as he expects.


Or why not lighten your mood with love?  ‘Never Ever Leave Me’ is a modern romance set in Glasgow, Scotland and Manchester, England.  The characters you’ll encounter are all people you could know, maybe a neighbour, a work colleague or a friend.  When I wrote Katy’s story I had a particular person in mind.  I willed her to triumph over adversity.  When you read her tale, I hope you will grow to love her as I do.


Perhaps you have only a short time to read a story, maybe during a tea break or lunch break or a stolen half hour before the school run.  Then ‘Twists and Turns’ might suit you very well.  This book is a compilation of tales that are a bit different.  Some are very dark and some have humour, full of people you may love or hate, twisting and turning every which way.  With contributions from myself, Elly Grant, and fellow author, Zach Abrams, however much time you have, these stories will intrigue you.

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